Dr. Laakso NYCDr. Laakso New York City

Psychiatrist Links

* Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
Phone: 800-826-3632

* Clinical Approaches in Bipolar Disorder

* The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry

* Depression and Related Affective Disorder Association
Phone: 888-288-1104

* Families for Depression Awareness
Phone: 781-890-0220

* Freedom from Fear
Phone: 718-351-1717

* Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance.

* National Institute of Mental Health.

* National Mental Health Association.

* National Alliance for the Mentally Ill
Phone: 800-950-NAMI (6264)

* American Psychiatric Association.

* Obsessive Compulsive Foundation.

* International Early Psychosis Association.

* National Alliance on Mental Illness, Wellness iniative.

* Attention Deficit Disorder Association.

* A.D.D. Warehouse.

* Schizophrenia Information

* Psychiatric Times

* National Institute on Drug Abuse